

Thirty Years of Waru

Thirty Years of Waru

On December 8th, 1994, Bantam/Spectra published Star Wars: The Crystal Star, which has since become known as the worst Star Wars novel of all time. Looking back, thirty years on, does it still take that title? Did it ever?
20 min read
On Rey

On Rey

Rey has really only been a proper character in one pretty bad film. But would any film featuring her necessarily be a bad film? Or is there something to Rey that just hasn't been delivered on yet?
5 min read
I'm not a Midwesterner; No One Is

I'm not a Midwesterner; No One Is

The Midwest isn't a thing, not really. Moreover, the Midwesterner isn't a person. The term "Midwest" refers to land truly part of three different regions...
14 min read
A Proposal for the International Olympic Committee

A Proposal for the International Olympic Committee

Imagine, for a start, that the two goals in a football are placed not at either end of an open field, but instead at either end of a region more like a golf course.
4 min read
Thirty Years of Thrawn

Thirty Years of Thrawn

Heir to the Empire, the first appearance of Thrawn, was published thirty years ago today. Since then, he's been in books, comics, and animation. Thrawn isn't heroic, he isn't even terribly ethical, but he is a weirdly selfless evil that makes him respectable, where the Emperor was contemptible.
33 min read
Among the Birds of the Mitten

Among the Birds of the Mitten

Experiences in birding throughout lower Michigan, with a title adapted from John Muir.
27 min read
How to Make a Free Throw

How to Make a Free Throw

Illustrated, with figures and elementary kinematic modeling
8 min read
What is the First Order?

What is the First Order?

An overview of the history and motivations of the reigning Star Wars villains
6 min read
Pluto Isn’t a Planet. Nothing Is.

Pluto Isn’t a Planet. Nothing Is.

I am not a planetary scientist, or an astronomer of any kind. But I am a writer, I do think I can call out the actual scientists for what I see as arbitrary and non-useful language. And, from where I stand, the word “planet” is a very arbitrary, useless term indeed.
8 min read
Thoughts on the DC Extended Universe and Screen Superheroes Generally

Thoughts on the DC Extended Universe and Screen Superheroes Generally

Or why I didn’t see Suicide Squad.
10 min read
Why Do People Love The Empire Strikes Back?

Why Do People Love The Empire Strikes Back?

Episode V is filled with many good scenes, adding up to a great viewing experience even, but not really a good film.
6 min read