Book Review | Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good
This book works well as the middle chapter. It follows from the previous volume smoothly, it points toward an interesting third book, and the story of Thrawn, et al, racing to prevent a civil war between the Chiss is more than enough to justify Greater Good in it’s own right.
Book Review | Star Wars: Victory's Price
This book, and this trilogy, is the best thing to come out of Star Wars in some time. You should read it. It's well worth your time, even if you aren't much of a Star Wars fan.
Book Review | Star Wars: Into the Dark
A well-told story about the Jedi at their peak, which is what the High Republic era promises. I'd recommend it even if you haven't read the earlier books.
Book Review | Star Wars: Light of the Jedi
While I read this without ever feeling like I should quit mid-way through, I have no real desire to read it ever again. Its strength, and its purpose, really, is in its world-building. By itself, that's not enough to make a good book.
Book Review | Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising
If you’re a fan of Thrawn, you’ll probably appreciate this book. If you aren’t a Thrawn fan, I’d probably recommend you read some other books ahead of this one.
Book Review | Shadow Fall
If you read Alphabet Squadron and liked it, go ahead and read this one too. It builds from the same themes as that last book, and goes in some interesting directions, setting up the next book to be, hopefully, something pretty good as well.
Book Review | Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Expanded Edition)
Author: Rae Carson
Publisher: Del Rey
Length: 247 pages
EE Critic Score: 6/10
Book Review | The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition
Author: Jason Fry
Publisher: Del Rey
Length: 304 pages
EE Critic Score: 9/10
Book Review | The Force Awakens novelization
A passable product to fill bookstore shelves and give the studio an opportunity at another market space. Unless you’re really interested in Starkiller Base, just watch the film.
Book Review | Alphabet Squadron
Author: Alexander Freed
Publisher: Del Rey
Length: 320 pages
EE Critic Score: 10/10
Book Review | Thrawn: Alliances & Thrawn: Treason
Author: Timothy Zahn
Publisher: Del Rey
Length: 342, 334 pages
EE Critic Score: 8/10
The two sequels to Thrawn continue to tell the story of everyone’s favorite Imperial Grand Admiral.
Book Review | From a Certain Point of View
Authors: Multiple
Publisher: Del Rey
Length: 496 pages
EE Critic Score: 8/10
Book Review | Star Wars: Thrawn
Cover | Photo Credit: Wookieepedia
[]Author: Timothy Zahn
Publisher: Del Rey
Length: 427