Book Review | The Bounty Hunter Wars
Do not read these books. I cannot recommend them to even the most devoted Boba Fett fan, much less to anyone else. These books are miserable tedium to read. The story told is convoluted, amoral, and ultimately inconsequential. Feature little bounty hunting and less war. 3/10, 2/10, 3/10
Book Review | The Black Fleet Crisis
The Black Fleet Crisis is a hidden gem of '90s Star Wars. It delivers a thought-provoking narrative while staying true to Star Wars themes. Lando's scenes are some of the best writing of the character, though they should have been their own book. 8/10, 7/10, 8/10
Book Review: The Callista Trilogy
The Callista trilogy's reputation as among the worst Star Wars has to offer is grossly exaggerated, but it's not a masterpiece either. Planet of Twilight was the best entry by some margin. The story of Callista on-the-page is as tragic as her story behind-the-scenes. 6/10, 6/10. 8/10
Book Review | The Book of Eels & Eels: An Exploration
The Book of Eels was written (in Swedish) by first-time author Patrik Svensson, and translated into English by Agnes Broome.