Running Commentary 6/12/2023
My full review of The Big Year is up on the main site. Presuming that you watched the film on my recommendation last week, you'll be all clear to read the review without worrying about spoilers.

And speaking of birds, I spotted a mourning dove squab out a window at work the other day. I wasn't able to get a very good picture, but it was quite cute seeing the little thing bob along after its parents across a sidewalk.

Star Wars: Visions
The second short in Visions's second volume is "Screecher's Reach", from the Irish animation studio Cartoon Saloon. Here are my thoughts on it:
- This short was, for most of it, more Irish sci-fi than really Star Wars-y, but it came together into something that felt like part of the saga by the end. It isn't just made by Irish people, it brings in parts of Irish history and folklore like workhouses and banshees to flesh out its world. But there's little Star Wars to it until the final scene.
- That final scene was a great payoff to this creepy little story. I'm reminded of the origins of Darth Zannah (I just got through reading Karpyshyn's Darth Bane trilogy; review forthcoming) but not so much so that this story seems unoriginal. It's not a happy ending, but it's a much more interesting story than that of "Sith".
- From what I can tell the look of this short is very within the style of Cartoon Saloon's usual work. It wasn't as crazy creative as last week's short, but there were still some nice-looking shots.
- This short made great use of its run-time. It doesn't waste any scenes, and it also doesn't seem too short
- "Screecher's Reach" serves as a direct repudiation of the stock Disney plot of a young woman finding a better life far from home, which I suppose is the sort of thing you'd hope to get by opening up Star Wars to other studios. I will say that someone without an existing foundation of knowledge about Star Wars might not notice how dark the ending is; this is some pretty obscure fare to be someone's first exposure to Star Wars, but I could see someone maybe coming from The Mandalorian or Andor and coming upon this and not really getting the ending.

Bird of the Week
If you're outside, you have a chance at seeing a bird. Whether you're in the depths of the jungle, out on the open sea, on the frozen wastes of the poles, or even in the concrete-and-steel canyon-scape of a major city, there's a bird or several thriving in that environment. This week, we have a bird of the harsh desert: the Spinifex Pigeon.
Clad in bronze and gold and sporting a high plume on its head, and with a forcefully Latin name, the spinifex pigeon seems like what you'd get if a pigeon were made Emperor of Rome. But it's not a bird of the mild Mediterranean. These birds are found in the arid regions of the northern half of Australia, including the sun-baked deserts of the Pilbara region in the northeast of the continent, where temperatures in excess of 120° F have been recorded. To survive the heat, spinifex pigeons never stray far from water, available in the desert in the form of small streams. Spinifex pigeons drink a great deal, and their ability to produce body heat is atrophied compared to that of other doves; these factors help keep these birds cool in one of the hottest places on Earth.
While they dod sport a spine of feathers atop their heads, spinifex pigeons are actually named after the tussock-forming spinifex grasses whose seeds they feed on. ("Spinifex" means "spine-forming" in Latin and is commonly used to refer to grasses in the genus Triodia, though there is also the genus Spinifex, which are coastal grasses not found in the pigeon's range.) To science, the spinifex pigeon is Geophaps plumifera, or the "plumed ground-pigeon".
Curation Links
Why roller coaster loops aren’t a perfect circle | Edward Vega, Vox
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