Running Commentary 3/24/2025
Magnolia Beef or Pork, Kagu
Running Commentary 3/10/2025
The birds are back! Yes, obviously, there've been birds all winter, but the summer birds are coming back. In the past week, I've seen a grackle and a meadowlark, and I've heard a
Running Commentary 3/3/2025
Force by Henry Petroski, Ferruginous Duck
Running Commentary 2/24/2025
Watson (E1,2), Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty, Horned Lark
Running Commentary 2/17/2025
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie, Eastern Spinebill
Running Commentary 2/3/2025
And Then There Were None (2015 BBC Miniseries), Vermilion Cardinal
Running Commentary 1/27/2025
Consider the Fork by Bee Wilson, Brown Noddy
Running Commentary 1/20/2024
Skeleton Crew (E8), Warframe (1999 New Year's Eve), Short-eared Owl
Running Commentary 1/13/2025
Skeleton Crew (E7), The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin, Purple Gallinule
Running Commentary 1/6/2024
Skeleton Crew (E4,5,6), Warframe (1999 update, Cyte-09), Collared Trogon
Running Commentary 12/16/2024
Skeleton Crew (E3), Warframe (1999, "The Hex" quest), Golden-crowned Kinglet
Running Commentary 12/9/2024
Skeleton Crew (E1,2), Endurance, Silver Pheasant
Running Commentary 11/25/24
Green bean casserole, Northern Saw-whet Owl
Running Commentary 11/18/2024
Mace Windu: The Glass Abyss by Steven Barnes, Shining Flycatcher
Running Commentary 11/11/2024
4-year Anniversary, Elementary (S1E14-S3E15), Spiced Green Tomato Jam, Virginia Rail
Running Commentary 10/28/2024
The Truth and Other Stories by Stanisław Lem, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Running Commentary 10/21/2024
Cranes at Big Marsh Lake & Virginia Rail sighting, Elementary (S1E1-13), Common Loon
Running Commentary 10/14/2024
Warframe (Koumei), Cole Slaw, American Redstart
Running Commentary 10/7/2024
Waframe ("Komei & The Five Fates), Kea
Running Commentary 9/30/2024
Birding at edge of Hurricane Helene, Warframe (DevStream 181), Atlantic Puffin
Running Commentary 9/23/2024
Creamy Bacon-Broccoli-Gnocchi, Barn Swallow
Running Commentary 9/16/2024
Wingspan, Wilson's Phalarope (re-write)
Running Commentary 9/9/2024
In Ascension by Martin MacInnes, Harlequin Duck (re-write)
Running Commentary 9/2/2024
Unsweetened pumpkin bagels, Red-backed Shrike (re-write)
Running Commentary 8/26/2024
Warframe ("The Lotus Eaters"), Northern Cardinal (re-write)
Running Commentary 8/12/2024
Skeleton Crew (Trailer), 2024 Paris Olympics, Plutoshine by Lucy Kissick, Warframe (TennoCon 2024), Double-Crested Cormorant (re-write), Lewis H. Lapham Tribute
Running Commentary 7/22/2024
The Acolyte (E8), Sandwich Tern (re-write)
Running Commentary 7/15/2024
The Acolyte (E7), Common Grackle (re-write)
Running Commentary 7/9/2024
The Acolyte (E6), Warframe (Jade), Eastern Bluebird (re-write)
Running Commentary 7/1/2024
The Acolyte (E5), Common Kingfisher (re-write)
Running Commentary 6/24/2024
The Acolyte (E4), Warframe ("Jade Shadows"), Red-tailed Hawk (re-write)
Running Commentary 6/17/2024
The Acolyte (E3), Western Tanager
Running Commentary 6/10/2024
The Acolyte (E1,2), Bobolink
Running Commentary 6/3/2024
Jenny Nicholson on the Galactic Starcruiser, What an Owl Knows by Jennifer Ackerman, Long-eared Owl
Running Commentary 5/20/2024
Secrets of the Octopus, Cashew Chicken, Black-naped Monarch
Running Commentary 5/13/2024
Tales of the Empire (E3,4,5), Whiskered Treeswift (redux)
Running Commentary 5/6/2024
The Bad Batch (S3E15, Series Finale), Tales of the Empire (E1,2,3), Eared Grebe (w/ video)
Running Commentary 4/29/2024
The Bad Batch (S3E14), Warframe (DevStream 179), Araripe Manakin (redux)
Running Commentary 4/22/2024
150 Birds Seen, The Bad Batch (S3E13), Timekeepers by Simon Garfield, Eastern Meadowlark
Running Commentary 4/15/2024
The Bad Batch (S3E12), Warframe (Dante), Warbling White-eye
Running Commentary 4/8/2024
Tales of the Empire trailer, The Acolyte trailer, The Bad Batch (S3E10,11), Warframe (Deep Archimedea), Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Running Commentary 4/1/2024
The Bad Batch (S3E8,9), Warframe (Inaros Re-work), Oscar's Thalasu-shrike
Running Commentary 3/18/2024
The Bad Batch (S3E6,7), Blue-headed Vireo
Running Commentary 3/11/2024
The Bad Batch (S3E5), Plum-headed Parakeet
Running Commentary 3/4/2024
The Bad Batch (S3E4), Northern Pintail (redux)
Running Commentary 2/26/2024
The Bad Batch (S3E1,2,3), Warframe (DevStream #177), Bali Myna
Running Commentary 2/19/2024
Echo, Warframe (Steel Path completed), Common Goldeneye
Running Commentary 2/12/2024
The Idea Factory by Jon Gertner, American Tree Sparrow
Running Commentary 1/29/2024
Warframe (DevStream 176), Shoebill
Running Commentary 1/22/2024
Garlic Bites, Northern Hawk-owl
Running Commentary 1/15/2024
It's a short RC this week. I've not seen Echo yet; I'll probably give my thoughts here when I do, unless I think it warrants a full-length review. Since it was all released
Running Commentary 1/8/2024
The Flash (2023), Stackpole's Rogue Squadron books, Warframe (Gargoyle's Cry and Qorvex), Fischer's Turaco
Running Commentary 12/18/2023
Warframe ("Whispers in the Walls"), European Goldfinch
Running Commentary 12/11/2023
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, Spicy Broiled Green Beans, Varied Thrush
Running Commentary 12/4/2023
Fuzz by Mary Roach, Warframe (DevStream 175 and Snowball Fight), Western Capercaillie
Running Commentary 11/20/2023
Loki (S2E6), Invisibility by Gregory J. Gbur, Mourning Dove (redux)
Running Commentary 11/13/2023
BattleBots (Golden Bolt Tournament II), Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
Running Commentary 11/6/2023
Loki (S2E5), BattleBots (Champions II, E5), Torrent Duck
Running Commentary 10/30/2023
Loki (S2E4), BattleBots (Champions II, E4), Warframe (Dagath), Dideric Cuckoo
Running Commentary 10/23/2023
Loki (S2E2,3), BattleBots (Champions II, E3) Warframe (Hydroid Rework), Recipe: Pork Marbella, Mayalan Banded-Pitta
Running Commentary 10/16/2023
BattleBots (Champions II, E2), The Anomaly by Hervé Le Tellier, Limpkin
Running Commentary 10/9/2023
Ahsoka (Episode 8), Loki (S2E1), BattleBots (Champions II, E1), Green Turtle
Running Commentary 10/2/2023
Ahsoka (Episode 7), Warframe (DevStream 172), White-faced Whistling Duck
Running Commentary 9/25/2023
Ahsoka (Episode 6), Grandala
Running Commentary 9/18/2023
Kensington Metropark, Ahsoka (Episode 5), Least Bittern
Running Commentary 9/11/2023
The Little Mermaid (2023), Ahsoka (Episode 4), Kākāpō
Running Commentary 9/4/2023
Ahsoka (Episode 3), Warframe (MR 23 test finally beaten), Northern Bobwhite
Running Commentary 8/28/2023
Ahsoka (Ep.1&2), Ten Tomatoes that Changed the World by William Alexander, Warframe (TennoCon 2023), Allen's Hummingbird
Running Commentary 8/21/2023
Star Wars: Visions ("Aau's Song"), Bohemian Waxwing (redux)
Running Commentary 8/14/2023
Star Wars: Visions ("The Pit"), Knowing What We Know by Simon Winchester, Chestnut-headed Oropendola
Running Commentary 8/7/2023
Penguin Week, Adélie Penguin
Running Commentary 7/31/2023
Secret Invasion (Episode 6), Star Wars: Visions ("The Bandits of Golak"), Spotted Sandpiper
Running Commentary 7/24/2023
Secret Invasion (Episode 5), Star Wars: Visions (The Spy Dancer), Snyder's Cheddar Cheese Pretzel Pieces change, Variegated Fairywren
Running Commentary 7/17/2023
Secret Invasion (Episode 4), Star Wars: Visions (Journey to the Dark Head), Northern Flicker
Running Commentary 7/10/2023
Secret Invasion (Episode 3), Star Wars Visions ("I Am Your Mother"), Warframe (Kullervo), King Vulture
Running Commentary 7/3/2023
Secret Invasion (Episodes 1 & 2), Star Wars: Visions ("In the Stars"), The Invention of Nature by Andrea Wulf, Violet-green Swallow
Running Commentary 6/12/2023
Star Wars: Visions ("Screecher's Reach"), Spinifex Pigeon
Running Commentary 6/5/2023
Star Wars: Visions (Sith), Stir-Fry, Green Cochoa
Running Commentary 5/29/2023
BattleBots (World Championship VII Finals), Egyptian Plover
Running Commentary 5/22/2023
BattleBots (S7E18), One Good Turn by Witold Rybczynski, Warframe (The Duviri Paradox), Rose-breasted Grosbeak,
Running Commentary 5/15/2023
BattleBots (S7E17), Northern Mockingbird
Running Commentary 5/8/2023
BattleBots (S7E16), The Toaster Project by Thomas Thwaites, Superb Starling
Running Commentary 5/1/2023
The Mandalorian (Season 3 Finale), BattleBots (S7E14,15), The Toaster Project, Sungrebe
Running Commentary 4/17/2023
The Mandalorian (S3E7), BattleBots (S7E13), Fiery-billed Araçari
Running Commentary 4/10/2023
Star Wars Announcements, The Mandalorian (S3E6), BattleBots (S7E12), Fox Sparrow
Running Commentary 4/3/2023
The Mandalorian (S3E5), BattleBots (S7E11), The Bad Batch (S2 Finale), Spicy Italian Chicken Thighs, Many-colored Thrush-tyrant
Running Commentary 3/27/2023
The Mandalorian (S3E4), The Bad Batch (S2E14), Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel, Blue Crane
Running Commentary 3/20/2021
The Mandalorian (S3E3), The Bad Batch (S2E13), Blue-faced Honeyeater
Running Commentary 3/13/2023
The Mandalorian (S3E2), BattleBots (S7E10), The Bad Batch (S2E12), Warframe (Citrine & DevStream 168), Cotton Pygmy-goose
Running Commentary 3/6/2023
The Mandalorian (S3E1), BattleBots (S7E9), The Bad Batch (S2E11), Susan Orlean On Animals, American Kestrel
Running Commentary 2/27/2023
BattleBots (S7E8), The Bad Batch (S2E10), Warframe (Mirror Defense at Tyana Pass), Ultramarine Flycatcher
Running Commentary 2/20/2023
BattleBots (S7E7), The Bad Batch (S2E9), Black-winged Bishop
Running Commentary 2/13/2023
Bubble Levels. BattleBots (S7E6), The Bad Batch (S2E7,8), Peruvian Pelican
Running Commentary 2/6/2023
BattleBots (S7E5), The Bad Batch (S2E6), Warframe (DevStream 167 & Voruna), Dark-eyed Junco
Running Commentary 1/30/2023
BattleBots (S7E4), The Bad Batch (S2E5), At Home by Bill Bryson, Spaghetti Bruciati, White-winged Crossbill
Running Commentary 1/23/2023
BattleBots (S2E3), The Bad Batch (S7E4), White-throated Mountain-gem
Running Commentary 1/16/2023
Site upgrades, BattleBots (S7E2), The Bad Batch (S2E3), Full Spectrum by Adam Rogers, Western Gull
Running Commentary 1/9/2023
BattleBots (S7E1), The Bad Batch (S2E1,2), Common Green-magpie
Running Commentary 12/5/2022
Hiatus Announcement, The Peripheral (Season 1, Episodes 7 and 8), Warframe (”Lua’s Prey”), Himalayan Monal
Running Commentary - Special Thanksgiving Edition 2022
Andor (Season 1 finale), Wild Turkey
Running Commentary 11/21/2022
Andor (Episode 11), The Peripheral (Episode 6), Around the World in 80 Birds, Painted Stork
Running Commentary 11/14/2022
Andor (Episode 10), The Peripheral (Episodes 4 and 5), Golden-capped Parakeet
Running Commentary 11/7/2022
Andor (Episode 9), Northern Parula
Running Commentary 11/1/2022
Andor (Episode 8), The Peripheral (Episode 3), The Evolution of Useful Things, Warframe (DevStream 165), Turkey Vulture
Running Commentary 10/24/2022
Andor (Episode 7), The Peripheral (Episodes 1 and 2), White-browed Woodswallow
Running Commentary 10/17/2022
Andor (Episode 6), She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Episodes 8 & 9), Malabar Whistling-Thrush
Running Commentary 10/10/2022
Andor (Episode 5), The Bald Eagle by Jack E. Davis, Lemon Dove
Running Commentary 10/3/2022
Andor (Episode 4), She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Episode 7), Warframe (DevStream 164), Brown Thrasher
Running Commentary 9/26/2022
Andor (Episodes 1-3), She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Episode 6), Warframe (Kahl mission 2), Snowy Egret
Running Commentary 9/19/2022
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Episode 5), Warframe (Kahl’s Garrisson), Red-crested Pochard
Running Commentary 9/12/2022
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Episode 4), BattleBots (Champions Finale), Warframe (”Veilbreaker” and Styanax), Pompadour Cotinga
Running Commentary 9/5/2022
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Episode 3), BattleBots (Champions E5), Skunkworks, Tufted Titmouse
Running Commentary 8/29/2022
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Ep2), Battlebots (Champions E4), Warframe (DevStream 163), Philippine Eagle
Running Commentary 8/22/2022
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Episode 1), Battlebots (Champions E3), Sandwich Tern
Running Commentary 8/15/2022
BattleBots (Champions E2), Fried Fish, Satin Bowerbird)
Running Commentary 8/8/2022
BattleBots (Champions E1), The Mosquito, Scarlet Tanager
Running Commentary 7/25/2022
Ms. Marvel, Lemonade, Crimson-rumped Toucanet
Running Commentary 7/18/2022
Warframe (TennoCon 2022), Mute Swan
Running Commentary 7/11/2022
Star Wars: Brotherhood, Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Running Commentary 7/4/2022
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Part 6), Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Bald Eagle (redux)
Running Commentary 6/20/2022
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Part 5), The Perfectionists, Steller’s Jay
Running Commentary 6/13/2022
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Part 4), Red-tailed Hawk
Running Commentary 6/6/2022
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Part 3), Southern Cassowary
Running Commentary 5/30/2022
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Parts I and II), Warframe (DevStream 162), Lesser Yellownape
Running Commentary 5/23/2022
Warframe (Gyre), White-throated Sparrow
Running Commentary 5/16/2022
Moon Knight (Episode 6), The Batman, Red-Breasted Goose
Running Commentary 5/2/2022
Moon Knight (Episode 5), Warframe (”Angels of the Zariman”), Red-winged Blackbird
Running Commentary 4/25/2022
Moon Knight (Episode 4), Lazuli Bunting
Running Commentary 4/18/2022
Moon Knight (Episode 3), Ubik, Northern Gannet
Running Commentary 4/11/2022
Moon Knight (Episode 2), BattleBots (Season 6 Championship), Warframe (DevStream 161), Budgerigar
Running Commentary 4/4/2022
Moon Knight (Episode 1), BattleBots (S6E13), Black-Capped Chickadee
Running Commentary 3/28/2022
BattleBots (S6E12), Pheasant-tailed Jacana
Running Commentary 3/21/2022
BattleBots (S6E11), Carolina Wren
Running Commentary 3/14/2022
⊃∪∩⪽, BattleBots (S6E10), Warframe (DevStream 160), Cuban Tody
Running Commentary 3/7/2022
BattleBots (S6E9), Northern Shoveler
Running Commentary 2/28/2022
BattleBots (S6E8), European Bee-Eater
Running Commentary 2/21/2022
BattleBots (S6E7), King Penguin
Running Commentary 2/14/2022
The Book of Boba Fett (Chapter 7), BattleBots (S6E6), Pink-headed Warbler
Running Commentary 2/7/2022
The Book of Boba Fett (Chapter 6), BattleBots (S6E5), Common Kingfisher
Running Commentary 1/31/2022
The Book of Boba Fett (Chapter 5), BattleBots (S6E4), Warframe (DevStream), Mini Saltine Crackers, Western Whistler
Running Commentary 1/24/2022
The Book of Boba Fett (Chapter 4), BattleBots (S6E3), Jedi: Fallen Order, Bearded Reedling
Running Commentary 1/17/2022
The Book of Boba Fett (Chapter 3), BattleBots (S6E2), Saddle-billed Stork
Running Commentary 1/10/2022
The Book of Boba Fett (Chapter 2), BattleBots (S6E1), The Box, Red-Headed Woodpecker
Running Commentary 1/3/2022
Hawkeye (Episode 6), The Book of Boba Fett (Chapter 1), Warframe (Caliban), Eastern Screech-Owl
Running Commentary 12/20/2021
Hawkeye (Episode 5), Warframe (”The New War”), Gingerbread Cookies, Toco Toucan
Running Commentary 12/13/2021
The Polar Express, Hawkeye (Episode 4), Harlequin Duck
Running Commentary 12/6/2021
Hawkeye (Ep.. 1-3), Warframe (New War upcoming), King of Tokyo, Ring-Necked Pheasant
Running Commentary 11/22/2021
Star Wars: Visions ("Akakiri"), High Republic Books, Ring-Necked Pheasant
Running Commentary 11/15/2021
Shang Chi, Star Wars: Visions ("Lop and Ocho"), Warframe (Nyx Rework, "The New War" announcement), Wood Duck
Running Commentary 11/8/2021
Star Wars; Visions ("The Elder"), Warframe (Nov 11 Update 30.9.0 Workshop), Cerulean Warbler
Running Commentary 11/1/2021
Star Wars: Visions (T0-B1), The Fisherman by John Langan, Red-backed Shrike
Running Commentary 10/25/2021
Star Wars Visions (The Ninth Jedi), Warframe (stuck at MR23), Common Murre
Running Commentary 10/18/2021
Star Wars: Visions (The Village Bride), BattleBots 2021 preview, Neapolitan pizza, Ruddy Duck
Running Commentary 10/11/2021
Duckspotting in Muskegon, Black Widow, Star Wars: Visions (The Twins), Sandhill Crane
Running Commentary 10/4/2021
Star Wars: Visions (Tatooine Rhapsody), The World in a Grain by Vince Beiser, Black-and-White Warbler
Running Commentary 9/27/2021
Star Wars: Visions (The Duel), Warframe (Devstream re-cap), Chocolate Layer Dessert, Wallcreeper
Running Commentary 9/20/2021
Pastel de Tres Leches, Mountain Quail
Running Commentary 9/13/2021
Warframe (Yareli and Ghoulsaw), Bohemian Waxwing
Running Commentary 8/30/2021
Free Solo, Thor: The Dark World, Warframe (DevStream re-cap), Roseate Spoonbill
Running Commentary 8/23/2021
Georgia and Sakartvelo, Jeopardy (Mike Richards out as host), Warframe (Yareli's farm sucks), Mallard
Running Commentary 8/16/2021
The Bad Batch (S1 finale), Marvel's What If, Jeopardy (final host ranking, Joe Buck, LeVar Burton, David Faber), The Pencil by Henry Petroski, Double-crested Cormorant
A Running Commentary 8/9/2021
The Olympics, Warframe (Nightwave), Painted Bunting
A Running Commentary 8/2/2021
The Olympics, The Bad Batch (Infested, War-Mantle), Blueberry Pie, Maleo
Running Commentary 7/26/2021
Jeopardy Host Search (Sanjay Gupta, Robin Roberts, George Stephanopoulos, Savannah Guthrie), Great Blue Heron
Running Commentary 7/19/2021
-meter, The Bad Batch (S1E12), Loki (S1 Finale), Warframe (TennoCon 2021), Kirtland's Warbler
Running Commentary 7/12/2021
The Tomorrow War, The Bad Batch (S1E11), Loki (S1E5), Warframe (Sisters of Parvos Update), American Robin
Running Commentary 7/5/2021
The Bad Batch (S1E10), Loki (S1E4), Bald Eagle
Running Commentary 6/28/2021
The Bad Batch (S1E9), Loki (S1E3), Lemonade, Warframe (Sevagoth, weapon class rebalances), Araripe Manakin
Running Commentary 6/21/2021
The Bad Batch (S1E8), Loki (S1E2), The New Rebellion by Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Whiskered Treeswift
Running Commentary 6/14/2021
The Bad Batch (S1E7), Loki (S1E1), Jeopardy host search (Mayim Bialik), Green Heron
Running Commentary 6/7/2021
The Bad Batch (S1E6), Jeopardy host search (Buzzy Cohen, Bill Whitaker), PopCorners, Northern Lapwing
Running Commentary 5/31/2021
The Bad Batch (S1E5), XX: a Novel, Graphic by Rian Hughes, Warframe (DevStream re-cap), Ring-billed Gull
Running Commentary 5/24/2021
The Bad Batch (S1E4), Warframe (Sevagoth farm), Baltimore Oriole
Running Commentary 5/17/2021
The Bad Batch (S1E3), Green-winged Macaw
Running Commentary 5/10/2021
The Bad Batch (S1E1,2) Common Merganser
Running Commentary 5/3/2021
Jeopardy host search (Anderson Cooper, Katie Couric, Ken Jennings, Michael Richards, Aaron Rodgers, Dr. Mehmet Oz), Warframe (DevStream re-cap), Superb Starling
Running Commentary 4/26/2021
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Finale), Secrets of the Whales, Grey Crowned Crane
Running Commentary 4/19/2021
Bear Guide, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Episode 5), American Goldfinch
Running Commentary 4/12/2021
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Episodes 2 & 3), Baikal Teal
Running Commentary 3/29/2021
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Episode 4), Eastern Bluebird
Running Commentary 3/22/2021
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Episode 1), Common Grackle
Running Commentary 3/15/2021
The Hustler, BattleBots, Hooded Merganser
Running Commentary 3/8/2021
WandaVision (Episode 9), BattleBots, Pileated Woodpecker
Running Commentary 3/1/2021
WandaVision (Episode 8), BattleBots, Warframe (DevStream re-cap), European Blue Tit
Running Commentary 2/22/21
Marshmallow bags too big, WandaVision (Episode 7), BattleBots, Great-crested Grebe
Running Commentary 2/15/2021
WandaVision (Episode 6), BattleBots, Iron Man 2, Northern Cardinal
Running Commentary 2/8/2021
WandaVision (Episode 5), BattleBots, Woodland Kingfisher
Running Commentary 2/1/2021
WandaVision (Episode 4), BattleBots, Warframe (DevStream re-cap), Barn Owl
Running Commentary 1/25/2021
WandaVision (Episode 3), BattleBots, Eurasian Bullfinch
Running Commentary 1/11/2021
BattleBots, Yellow-headed Blackbird
Running Commentary 1/4/2021
The High Republic, Gingerbread Cookies, Warframe (Lavos, Cedo), BattleBots, Bufflehead
Running Commentary 12/21/2020
The Mandalorian (S2E8), Warframe (DevStream 150 re-cap), BattleBots, Crimson Sunbird
Running Commentary 12/14/2020
The Mandalorian (S2E7), looking forward at new Star Wars projects, Prothonotary Warbler, BattleBots,
Running Commentary 12/7/2020
The Mandalorian (S2E6), BattleBots, Northern Pintail
Running Commentary 11/30/2020
The Mandalorian (S2E5), Thanksgiving broadcasts, BattleBots, Pie Ranking, Wild Turkey
Running Commentary 11/23/2020
The Mandalorian (S2E4), Warframe (Deimos Arcana update), Crimson Chat
Running Commentary 11/16/2020
The Mandalorian (S2E3), Warframe (Xaku), Blackburnian Warbler
A Running Commentary | 11/9/2020
The Mandalorian (S2E2), Warframe (DevStream re-cap), Mourning Dove
A Running Commentary | 11/2/2020
Newsletter Launch, The Mandalorian (S2E1), Lady and the Tramp (2020), Wilson's Phalarope, New in Warframe